Big Guide to Visiting Alhambra in Granada – Tips to Tickets, Attractions and History august 17, 2024 – Posted in: Spain, Travel – Tags: , , , , , , , ,

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Plan Your Visit to the Alhambra

The Danish author Dan Turèll published “Alhambra Blues” in 1983. Although it was mainly about the street he lived on, you will recognize the expression after visiting the Alhambra and walking out of the grand gate. Alhambra Blues is the feeling you get between your visit to the Moorish palace and the time until you can visit it again.

For it is truly beautiful, and it’s no wonder that it’s Spain’s most visited tourist attraction. We have seen many castles together, but never anything as amazing as this. Intricate carvings, mosaics, flower gardens, and the constant sound of trickling water. In fact, it’s difficult to describe the Alhambra; even taking a photo that captures its beauty is challenging.

All the Best Tips for a Visit to the Alhambra

We don’t want to spoil the experience for you if you haven’t visited the palace before. You should also be allowed to step inside and be completely speechless without having seen it all beforehand. Moreover, there are so many other places where you can read about the Alhambra’s history, for example, here, so in this post, we will focus on providing you with all the information you need but that you can’t just read about, such as:

  • Where do you buy tickets?
  • When should you line up for the Nasrid Palace?
  • How much time should you spend at the Alhambra, and what should you see?
  • Can and should you bring your own food?
  • And many other questions you’re likely to have!

How to Get a Ticket to the Alhambra

Before we even begin to tell you what to see at the Alhambra, it’s crucial that you buy a ticket here: Alhambra y Generalife. Remember to have your passport ready. This is the official website for the Alhambra, but there are others that also sell tickets. More on that later.

We can only recommend that you purchase your ticket well in advance. But what does “well in advance” mean? I’m writing this article on April 27th, and I just checked that the next available ticket for the Alhambra available on May 16th –  so in about three weeks. This aligns well with our own experience, so you can expect the same. Therefore, we recommend planning your trip to Granada based on when you can actually get into the Alhambra.

What to Do If You Can’t Get a Ticket to the Alhambra

When we recommend buying a ticket in advance, we speak from experience because that’s exactly what we didn’t do. We visited Granada as part of our road trip in Andalusia in March 2023, where we couldn’t precisely say when we would arrive in the city. We had read that you need to book in advance to secure a ticket to the palace, but we thought a week would be enough. It wasn’t.

We were at the point where we might actually arrive in Granada without seeing Spain’s biggest tourist attraction, but fortunately, a few tickets suddenly became available again. What we did was repeatedly refresh the website every afternoon. Some surplus tickets are released and go on sale around 1-3 PM… if there are any. We were lucky and managed to get in on our last day.

NB! Many travel guides on the internet state that surplus tickets are sold at the Alhambra’s ticket office every afternoon. This is NO LONGER correct, so don’t waste your time standing in line. You can only buy your ticket online.

See the Alhambra with a Guide

Another option is to buy a guided tour, for example, from GetYourGuide. Although it’s a more expensive option, we found that tickets were still available here the day before our visit. Finally – and many people don’t know this – you can actually see a large part of the area for free. Additionally, there are almost always tickets available for the Generalife and Alcazaba, which, while not as grand as the Nasrid Palace, are still very impressive.

See the Alhambra from the Many Miradors

With your ticket secured, all you can do is wait for the big day to arrive. If you have a few days in Granada before your visit to the Alhambra, spend them exploring the palace from the many miradors, the viewpoints around the city. This way, you’ll have a sense of its grandeur before you step inside the palace. Here, we’ll briefly mention the two most popular miradors and a secret one, where the top photo was taken.

The most popular spot to see the Alhambra is from Mirador de San Nicolás. Here, you have a view of the Alcazaba and the fortress, with the beautiful Sierra Nevada in the background. We also enjoyed the view from Mirador de San Cristobal, where you can see the northern end of the palace.

The absolute best photo spot, however, we found by chance. We had been hiking up in the park Dehesa del Generalife and on our way down, we passed by the viewpoint at Silla de Moro, the Moor’s Chair. If you click on the link and check Google Maps, it’s just east of the Generalife and inside the park.

You can only reach it by either hiking a steep trail up or down, but in our opinion, it’s the best place in Granada to view the Alhambra from.

What Should You See at the Alhambra?

As you can see in the top photo, the Alhambra consists of a vast palace complex with many buildings and gardens. The fortress was built by the Moors in the 13th and 14th centuries, likely on the remains of a Roman fort. The palaces were the residence of the Nasrid dynasty, and with the palace as its protection, Granada stood as the last Moorish city until the Christian reconquest of the peninsula. The most popular attraction is the Nasrid Palace with its beautiful fountains, tiles, and intricate carvings. The entire experience is so remarkable that it might take your breath away.

Most visitors then continue their tour to the fortress Alcazaba, considered to be one of the oldest buildings, constructed before the Moors came to the city. A narrow and steep staircase leads up to the battlements, where you have an impressive view over the city.

Admire the Beautiful Renaissance Building, the Palace of Charles V

Today, it hosts rotating art exhibitions, and since the Alhambra spans such a large area with so much to see, you might do as we did and save this part for another visit.

Behind it, where the Moors’ mosque once stood, the church Santa Maria de la Alhambra now stands tall. The church dates back to the 17th century and was built in Baroque style.

On your way towards the Generalife, you’ll pass through the beautiful gardens and tall hedges that are trimmed like a fortress wall. A small bridge leads over to the summer palace Generalife, where several exquisite fountains and shady courtyards await you.

And Now – Answers to All the Other Questions…

There were a lot of questions we tried to Google before our visit to the Alhambra. We didn’t find the answers until we were there, so we’ve created a little guide to the Alhambra.

What Time Should You Choose for Your Visit to the Alhambra?

When you buy your ticket, you can choose between different times, from early morning to late afternoon. If possible, we recommend arriving as early as possible so you can take your time and avoid the scorching afternoon heat.

How Much Time Should You Set Aside for a Visit to the Alhambra?

The Alhambra’s official website states that the average visit lasts 3 hours. We took our time and spent 5½ hours there – and there were still several things we skipped. We could easily have spent more time there, but decided to save the rest for another visit. The Nasrid Palaces and Generalife, however, are must-sees.

How Early Should I Arrive Before My Time Slot?

It is important to be on time for your entry to the Nasrid Palaces. If you are late for your slot, you will not be allowed in, and if you arrive too early, you will be asked to go to the back of the line.

We had a time slot to enter the Nasrid Palaces at 9:30 AM. We left our accommodation early and entered through the beautiful Puerta de la Justicia at 8:45 AM. We had allowed time to find the queue for the Nasrid Palaces, but it’s actually right by this entrance. We lined up half an hour before our entry slot, and it worked out perfectly. Remember to have your passport and ticket ready. The line may look long and overwhelming, but don’t worry, the Alhambra is well-organized, and the queue moves quickly and efficiently.

Is There a Parking Lot at the Alhambra?

Near the main entrance, a bit further down the road, there is also a ticket office and a large parking lot for both cars and buses. However, we recommend leaving your car behind, as it’s very busy, and walking from the city is both faster and more relaxing. Parking is charged by the hour.

Are There Many Tourists?

Approximately 3 million tourists visit the site every year, which amounts to more than 8,000 visitors each day. Fortunately, no more tourists are allowed in than the site can accommodate, so it doesn’t feel overwhelming.

If we compare it to the Colosseum in Rome, which also has a lot of tourists, the Alhambra doesn’t feel nearly as crowded, and it’s easy to find a peaceful spot where you can catch your breath.

The queues are managed quickly and professionally, and you can help by having your passport and ticket ready at the various checkpoints.

Are There Restaurants at the Alhambra?

We only saw one restaurant in the entire fortress complex, and it has received mixed reviews. There are also a few spots where you can buy a sandwich, but we recommend bringing a small snack in your bag instead. Pay special attention to where you are allowed to eat, drink and smoke, and make sure you are in one of the designated areas before you start your meal.

Take Care of the Beautiful Buildings and Gardens

Besides the rule that you can’t eat inside the palaces, be mindful of where you walk. It is not allowed to lean against the walls in the palaces, and you should wear your backpack on your front to avoid accidentally knocking down a tile.

You are also not allowed to pick the beautiful flowers, and you’ll find signs everywhere asking you not to touch the walls, fountains or bushes. PLEASE respect this so that our grandchildren can also experience this beautiful sight.

Can I See Some of the Alhambra for Free?

If you haven’t managed to get a ticket, you can still see quite a bit of the Alhambra for free. Of course, you won’t be able to enter any of the palaces, but it doesn’t cost anything to walk around the grounds. You can also visit several other buildings and gardens, which you can read more about here.

More Tips for Your Holiday in Granada

Hotel Andalucia Center

Hotel Andalucia Center

Find a Great Hotel in Granada

As mentioned, the Alhambra is Spain’s biggest tourist attraction, and naturally, this drives hotel prices in Granada to the higher end. We decided we’d rather stay somewhere a bit cheaper and enjoy a few extra days in the city. As a result, we stayed for a delightful five nights at the Hotel Andalucia Center. It’s about half the price if you’re willing to walk an extra ten minutes outside the city center.

Hotel Andalucia Center is part of a hotel chain where we’ve stayed both in Cordoba and Seville, and the excellent service is consistent throughout. The hotel is located about a 15-minute walk from the center, and with its large underground parking, it’s especially convenient for those on a road trip in Andalusia.

We stayed in one of their standard rooms, which, like all their other hotels, is spacious – and it includes an additional door leading to the bathroom. When you travel often, you come to appreciate such details. 🙂 On top of the hotel, you’ll find a lovely pool with a view over Granada, and the hotel has its own restaurant. In the morning, there’s the usual giant breakfast buffet, which is why we choose this hotel chain again and again.

Read more about the hotel here Hotel Andalucia Center and see all the other hotels in Granada by clicking here. You can also perform your own search for hotels in Granada right here:

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